Palazzo Grassi
Via Livio, 14
6830 Chiasso
Represented by:
Nicola Esposito
Mail: info @
Entry in the register: CH-501.3.020.350-3
Companies Register of Canton Ticino
Company ID Number: CHE-484289819
Exclusion of liability
Responsibility for content
In the service provider as we are responsible, in accordance with the general laws of our content on this platform. As a service provider we are not, however, we obliged to monitor third-party information that we have been sent or that have been saved, or to look for indications of illegal activity. There continues to be a possible obligation under the general laws to remove or block the use of information. Any liability in these cases can only be attributed starting from the moment you are aware of a specific infringement. Once you are aware of a violation, we will immediately remove the content in question.
General information
The use of the Italian language is determined by the fact that Goodwill Asset Management SA is a Swiss company active in Canton Ticino, where the Italian language is the official language. The use of the Italian language cannot therefore be interpreted as a link to the Italian Republic, nor is it a clue that Goodwill Asset Management’s activity is directed to Italy.
Liability for links
Our website contains links that lead to external websites, managed by third parties, on which content we have no control. Therefore we do not assume any responsibility for the contents of third parties. The responsibility for linked pages lies with the provider or operator of the site. Before creating the links we verified the existence of possible infringements in the linked pages and there was not the presence of illegal content. A permanent content control of the linked pages is not possible, however, without having concrete evidence of illegal content. Once aware of any violations we will immediately remove the links in question.
The content and works created by the site operators on these pages are subject to Swiss law on copyright. The reproduction, processing, dissemination and any type of use not covered by copyright law requires the written consent of the respective author or producer. Downloads and copies of this page are only allowed for private non-commercial purposes. For the contents of these pages that were not created by the page operator are subject to the regulations related to the third-party copyrights. The contents of third parties are marked as such. If you came equally aware of a violation of copyright, please notify the operators of the page. In case of identification of violations of the law we will immediately remove the content in question.
Please take into account that this colophon, the declaration on data protection and other legal statements are only valid for the portal of Goodwill Asset Management.